





《艾丽丝漫游奇境记》是英国作家卡罗尔*著名的童话。此书出版后风靡全球,几乎赢得了所有读者的青睐,被誉为魔幻、荒诞小说的先驱之作,是一本适合孩子阅读的魔幻故事书,被译成各国文字。 这本蜚声全世界的儿童读物,讲述了英国小女孩艾丽丝在兔子洞中梦游的奇遇充满了对童趣的描写,细腻刻画了儿童的心理世界主人公不但掉进了兔子洞,而且还一会儿长大,一会儿变小,牢宰地抓住了儿童求新求异的心理特征,充满了超现实的想象,真可谓引人入胜阅读本书可以激发读者神奇的想象力。
CHAPTER I Down the Rabbit-Hole 第一章 掉入兔子
CHAPTER II The Pool of Tears 第二章 眼泪池塘
CHAPTER III A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale 第三章 一场会议式赛跑和一个长长的故事
CHAPTER IV The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill 第四章 兔子派遣小比尔进屋
CHAPTER V Advice from a Caterpillar 第五章 毛毛虫的建议
CHAPTER VI Pig and Pepper 第六章 猪和胡椒粉
CHAPTER VII A Mad Tea-Party 第七章 疯的茶会
CHAPTER VIII The Queen's Croquet-Ground 第八章 皇后的槌球场
CHAPTER IX The Mock Turtle's Story 第九章 假甲鱼的故事
CHAPTER X The Lobster Quadrille 第十章 龙虾方阵舞
CHAPTER XI Who Stole the Tarts? 第十一章 谁偷了果馅饼
CHAPTER XII Alice's Evidence 第十二章 艾丽丝的证据
  Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank,and of having nothing to do;once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading,but it had no pictures or conversations in it,"and what is the use of a book," thought Alice,"without pictures or conversation?"
  So she was considering in her own mind(as well as she could,for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid),whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies,when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.
  There was nothing so VERY remarkable in that;nor did Alice think it so VERY much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself,"Oh dear!Oh dear!I shall be late!"(when she thought it over afterwards,it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this,but at the time it all seemed quite natural);but when the Rabbit actually TOOK A WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT- POCKET,and looked at it,and then hurried on,Alice started to her feet,for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket,or a watch to take out of it,and burning with curiosity,she ran across the field after it,and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.In another moment down went Alice after it,never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.
  The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way,and then dipped suddenly down,so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.
  Either the well was very deep,or she fell very slowly,for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next.First,she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to,but it was too dark to see anything;then she looked at the sides of the well,and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves;here and there she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs.She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed;it was labelled "ORANGE MARMALADE",but to her great disappointment it was empty;she did not like to drop the jar for fear of killing somebody,so managed to put it into one of the cupboards as she fell past it.